Are you looking for an about me page?  Well here it is!  I’m so glad you are here. We all have a story, and mine begins with 'why'?



...I help soul-centered women leaders master their minds, own their true power, and awaken their innate intelligence through play. What you really need is to live a wealthy lifestyle… that keeps you feeling fulfilled, healthy, and energized. You are the inspiration for those around you. So helping you design a holistic balanced and harmonized lifestyle that is true to your nature and ability is my priority.

Playing small and not taking the lead is like kryptonite to your divinely given powers. So I take my role as the guide, and healer very seriously. A life of harmony and balance is achievable along with tons of happiness, bliss, adventure, fun and play. it’s not an ‘either or’ rather it’s ‘both and’

While you’re busy nurturing and raising another generation and managing and supporting he aging generation, I want to focus on YOU because you’re the one to watch for! Your kids, you, parents, spouse and communities thrive on your energy and vibe. You strengthen and build communities and the world around us!

You are the real superhero.

I was married at 21 right after I graduated college. I had lived a very sheltered and protected life where I never had an opportunity to travel out of my hometown in India.

A few short months after my marriage began, we set off on our global traveling adventures. I have now lived in 5 different countries. I’ve lived in London, Paris, Zurich (Switzerland), India and New York.

In every new place I lived, I realized that I had this innate desire to work and create my own identity. Initially, I worked as a Fashion Apparel designer and then went on to become a professor in global fashion communications and arts.

The last move that we made from Zurich, to New York in 2012, was a bit different because I arrived here on an H-4 dependent visa. And realized, to my agony, that I was not authorized to work on that visa.

I had almost decided to apply for an MBA in Fashion Communication when I discovered that I was pregnant with my second child. That was a huge surprise as we were not planning to have a baby! Anyway the baby stayed and the MBA flew out of the window, leaving me as a clueless stay-at-home mom. I hated every bit of my life then except for the fact that I was having a baby girl, which I had been manifesting unknowingly for a while.

After the birth of my daughter, I suffered from postpartum depression in addition to anxiety and a severe identity crisis. Being a stay at home mom was not easy for me personally. When I felt like my freedom was taken away by the two young kids and a dependent visa that didn’t permit me to work, I realized how passionate I was about having my own identity and career! It took me a year to recover from the self-destructive patterns of burnout, weakness and victimization. It took me about 5 years of work internally, trying at least 100 other business ideas, and landing a scholarship for Yoga teacher training back in an ashram in India to find out what my path and learn the Yogic lifestyle of wellbeing and prosperity. I stayed there for a month, leaving my family back in the USA, and emerged with my calling and purpose in life.

Now finding your calling and purpose isn’t enough! There are so many of you who love what we do. Yet, you often find yourself delving in self limiting beliefs and patterns it’s like you have ever darn thing on the outside but within you feel this constant disconnection. You know deep down within that you are worthy of so much more success and joy yet you can’t seem to find what is blocking you from actually feeling and embracing your life?

This was me right after finding my calling and purpose. So breath my friend you are not alone! My work and path was clear yet I want able to fully enjoy my life? This constant dissatisfaction and lingering sense of I’m not enough. My life is not enough and so on and so forth kept me playing small and sometimes even hiding, getting mad, and numbing. Because stepping out and owning my true powers and calling seemed scarier than taking responsibility. But thanks to my dedicated daily practice and lifestyle enhancing rituals that I had learned in my training in the ashram I finally overcame my self-destructive spirals. My exposure to many diverse international cultures provided the impetus to create a course on the art of fusion, and fueled my desire to meld the teachings of yoga as a lifestyle, and spirituality into a program that will also enlighten you.   

With the help of my mentors, and guides I’ve created a one of it’s kind transformational program called;

‘The Awakened Mind Method’ is your pathway to elevate your life and live in alignment with your highest best version. This method is a framework designed to bring harmony and balance to all aspects of your being. You will not just gain clarity, overcome mental and emotional blockages. Alongside all that will gain confidence, and a fierce understanding of your uniqueness and learn life altering tools to stay calm, energized and STEADY.

The fierce, powerful and confident LEADER within me was unknown to me until I adapted ‘The Awakened Mind Method’- framework of

mindset revival, mindful movement, breakthrough breathwork, food for thought+ customized visualization meditations.


Why me?

I’m a WOMAN who’s on a mission... to awaken soul-centered women leaders like you to the Real you, By mastering your mind, owning your true power, and opening up to your innate intelligence and healing through play...



you are all deserving!
stop striving to be enough. If you’re not waking up each morning bursting with gratitude and experiencing complete joy and freedom in every cell of your body. I’m sorry to inform you are suffering from ‘deservingness problems’.

own your superpowers.
A lot of my clients who come to me struggle with deep shame and guilt. Why? Because they’re constantly giving away their power to external circumstances and internal mood changes.

you are the creator of your life and destiny.

Only after you’ve gotten clear on what your blocks are and how to unveil those blocks AND get crystal clear on how you want to live your life will you be able to become the creator of your destiny!  You will be able to get more done with ease, joy and flow in life.


There is no separate professional life and personal life; there is just life and you are the star of the show called life.  Yes, you do play multiple roles in a day, but which one is the real you?  It is difficult to learn what’s best for you and your family without first taking the time to connect with yourself and paying attention to your mind, body and spirit.  Yes, this sounds like a never-ending spiral of pain and misery, which is time-consuming and daunting ???? You can master the art of achieving real wealth and prosperity in just 8 weeks which can take a lifetime or many for some.

As a mother, a certified yoga instructor, a certified life coach, motivational speaker, and type-A high achiever myself, the constant urge to hustle, give, nurture and do is my natural go to. Yet my own personal awakening and realizations have made me uniquely qualified to guide you on this liberating journey of Self Mastery and self awakening by being the impactful and influential leader you’ve always aspired to be. You can achieve all this by simply being more and doing less. Still Wondering how?