Why Am I Not Motivated?

You came here as a human to learn the lessons you are meant to learn while transcending your limitations. So STOP making excuses and beware of the unnecessary noises that cause so much drama in your monkey mind. Learn to recognize the real voice of your intelligence and intuition.

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Revive the dying art of cooking.

You’re both the nurturer and the provider; you’re working for and working with everyone; you hustle with time to make the best of every moment; you are striving to find the balance and often feel that you are losing your mind, peace and sanity along the way.

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Roma Bajaj Kohli
OJ with a twist!

One day my son started to read the ingredients label on the regular OJ bottle and asked me: "Mom what does 'not from concentrate' mean?"  I had a very vague answer as I thought he wouldn’t be curious to know more and I said that this juice is a less processed as compared to ‘from concentrate juices’.

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Roma Bajaj Kohli

Sun Salutations aka Surya Namaskar is a series of 8 poses- 12 positions.  Practice this flow for a minimum of 15 mins every morning & attempt to do at least 10-12 fast and 1 slow hold each position.

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on the matSamantha Grose