

A lot has been written about self love yet not many people are seen modeling it in the most authentic way. And what is the most authentic way?

Read on, I'm about to explain. 

If you will have one goal in life let it be the one to deepen your love relationship with yourself. If you make a vision board for yourself this year let it be of self love. Here’s why:



To love one self as deeply and truly you can: There is no such thing as too much self love if someone told you that, chances are they probably haven’t experienced the depths of it in a more grounded and humble manner. 



Loving oneself is the most sane thing to do. It's not narcissistic to love oneself. Rather staying in the victim mode is more narcissistic than you can ever imagine. Narcissism is arrogance and most victims are so deeply attached to their pain that they become the “poor me” all the time.



Self Love is the essence or core of your being. Loving yourself is not just a responsibility, or chore, or another thing to do. Rather it’s why we are all here in this world.



The deeper the love, the easier is the self acceptance, effortless is the journey towards self trust you so that all aspects of your life can flow with ease...

To sum it up self love is your ability to love all parts of you even those that you hate or judge. It’s also this innate knowing that you are enough!

I hear you ask me How? 

So, here are 101 ways to love yourself :) 

Just Kidding:)

I’ll suggest one how though: Keep at it! It can be a lifelong process and the deeper the roots you keep digging for self love and self mastery you will be able to understand that self love means to LOVE every SELF (every being) equally in the same way as yourself. When anyone comes in contact with you they will feel that warmth, that comfort and that profound expansion in their whole existence. To love thyself is to love thy universe as is. 

Are you ready to experience that level of self love? 


Roma Bajaj Kohli