Why Am I Not Motivated?

A lot of my clients ask me..

“Why am I not motivated?”
”Do you think I'm just lazy?”
”Do you think I don't know what I want?”
”Or is it that I just don’t feel inspired by anything?”

Is that what you think too?

Do you wake up every morning feeling extremely drained and wondering if this is the time you should be getting out of your bed or not?

Do you think to yourself ‘Why should I do this?’. You may even start telling yourself that “I’m too tired” or “I hardly slept last night”, so I must get extra sleep. Or worse you pick up that phone from your bedside table and just lay there engaging in many minutes of mindless browsing and later realize you’ve been in bed way longer than you should have been, making you even less motivated to start your day.

Hey listen, I feel you! In all honesty, I have been there and done that too. 

When you challenge almost all of your being, you feel lost, confused, overwhelmed and clouded in the delusion of what is reality and what role you are playing in that. 

So read up close, you DON’T lack motivation, what you are really asking is:



“Help me, I really need someone to see what I’m missing here”

Yes, that is exactly what you are asking for. Help, love, support and unwavering belief in yourself from someone on the outside, because you don't know how to give that to yourself. You were just never taught well on how to process your confusions and above all, how to give yourself the permission to get the much needed help without being judged and, or ridiculed. 

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So the reason you are not motivated is the following: 

  • You either believe you are fundamentally flawed or are a burden to mankind.

  • You are unable to acknowledge, love and accept yourself for the low feelings you feel.

  • Which makes you continue to self sabotage and beat yourself down. 

  • You are fearful of coming out of your comfort zone as this pain feels more familiar and comfortable than the unknown- which will lead you to liberation and freedom.

Do you see now how your motivation has nothing to do with your laziness or ability to not understand what you don't know. It’s the comfort of staying stuck or complacency, and the thought of breaking through feels unsafe to your subconscious mind and it will not allow you to break through unless and until you pick yourself and up and say:

Hey beautiful I've got you!
I’m right here for you.
I'm allowing you to be whoever you want.
I give you the permission to feel sad, mad, angry or upset.
I love you through all of that!

Maybe this sounds silly? But if you don't know how to speak and treat yourself with respect and love, the world will reflect your resentment and confusion back at you. No false hope, but who said that the work you have to get done has to be hard? It can be fun and joyful if you unlearn to not make everything in this world about you.

Instead detach and engage with the world properly by first re-engaging with yourself. Print this in bold in your mind right now.

You came here as a human to learn the lessons you are meant to learn while transcending your limitations. So STOP making excuses and beware of the unnecessary noises that cause so much drama in your monkey mind. Learn to recognize the real voice of your intelligence and intuition. 

So tell me, what was your aha moment? What are you going to do differently with your self pep talk now?

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